Friday, November 9, 2007

Ny Times Articles

I found the Ny times articles very interesting. I strongly believe that their are many contributing factors to creating dangerous and violent sexual habits. If everywhere a teen looks they see sex as unconsquential, soon they will believe it. I admire what the group "Enough is Enough," is doing. There definetely needs to be a change in the way hip-hop portrays women as ho's and men as pimps and gangsters. I find it quite interesting that as a society we almost have become imune to noticing the obscene language in the songs. For example, I can listen to a song and hate the degrading lyrics but love the beat. Over time I don't pay attention to the words, rather the beat of the song. The other day I went to my little sisters Highschool Varsity Basketball game and during the half-time they were playing a hip-hop song that had a lot of degrading lyrics, sexual content, and obscene language. Everone seemed to carry on as normal. They payed no attention to the words but they were enjoying the beat. Hip-Hop artists and record companies know exactly what they are doing when they are putting a song together. Something definetely needs to be done to change the content of the sings we are listening to.

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